Who hasn’t seen the Netflix tv show, Stranger Things? So I don’t really need to go into details about it, right? Okay, good, cause I have editing and word count to get done today.
The reason I bring it up is while en route to Anachrocon 2020, me and the minions made a side stop so that I could audition as an extra for the show.
Now I really don’t expect there to be anything ever come of it, but still, it was a new and interesting experience that I have first-hand knowledge of. I met a few interesting folks, passed out some cards and headed on to Anachrocon.

It’s sad that this was the last year of Anachrocon. It was a fun convention with so much to offer and my first steampunk convention. Hopefully, another will fill its slot around here that I can attend again. Some of the costumes were just downright gorgeous and amazing.
I met a number of cool folks while there, and some of my extended LibertyCon family as well. Check out the pics and links to the other authors pages that I linked up with while there.

So, all in all, it was a good weekend. Lots of great panels and discussions, even if a few had as many panelists as audience. Those can get some really good discussions going.
Author and other Pages to check out
Mandy and G.D. Burkhead: http://www.burkshelf.com/
Dennis Medbury: https://www.facebook.com/dennis.medbury.7
Neil Lee Griffin: https://www.antlerhillarts.com/
Cecilia Dominic: http://www.ceciliadominic.com/
Leanna Renee Hieber: https://www.leannareneehieber.com/
Dan Hollifield: http://www.aphelion-webzine.com/
Matthew Quinn: https://www.facebook.com/mattwallaceq
For anyone who has been following my feeds, you’ve seen that my latest novel, Widowmakers has been nominated for the Dragon Awards.
I know the odds are against me and Widowmakers, but why not shoot the moon right out the gate this year. 😉 it’s all good.. 🙂
Now to toss in your two cents, go to the
Then fill in the fields for best Alt-History Novel for Widowmakers. And hell, while your there if you want to punch in fLUX Runners for best Scifi novel.
upcoming release

The next big release will be When Valor Must Hold, An anthology of High adventure. My story, “Dust in the mouth,” is the closest thing I could write to Conan and it not be a Conan story. The few folks who have read it so far said that if they didn’t know any better, they would have sworn that Robert E. Howard himself had written it.
Guess I’m doing something right with this writing stuff. 🙂
Reading and bleeding
So a quick plug of things that I have currently been reading or bleeding on that will be coming out very very soon!
First off is Benjamin Tyler Smith’s debut novel, Blue Crucible. This latest title in Chris Woods, post-apocalyptic Fallen World series drops on March 13th.
I was privileged to be one of the early readers on this title and lent a helping hand with a bit of bleeding on the manuscript. I’m sure that Ben would like to beat me at times, but that’s what friends are for, right?
Blurb from Ben about it.
Beginning on day one of the Fall, it’s a story about a group of mounted police and their fight to protect a city from both Teledyne and Obsidian, the two Corporations responsible for the Fall. Expect lots of guns, lots of horses, a few camels and water buffaloes, and a titanic clash between an Obsidian Agent and a Teledyne Specialist, with brave cops caught in the middle trying their best to serve and protect.
Then we have Bloodstone, the debut YA novel by R.J. Ladon, laced full with teen angst and interesting plot twists.
So that’s it for this week. Back to the old grindstone for me.
Keep your heads up and your pens sharp.