With a show of hands, how many of you have woke up on a Sunday morning, shuffled to the kitchen, started the coffee and then turned to find your liver standing there, looking at you in that tone of voice that you know will end with you going out back and cutting a switch.
But hey, it’s all good. Everyone needs a good night of, um… release… once in a blue moon, right?
And moving on…
free reverie

So something fun and interesting happened a few weeks ago. Someone actually let me on the mic to do an interview for their podcast! It has been years since I had anything to do with a podcast other than listening to them. It was so weird to be on the other side of the mic, but fun as hell at the same time. The Podcast was with Juju B on the Free Reverie Podcast, which after doing my search I found that she has put it on most podcast platforms. She is all about positivity and pushing that good energy out there. Which, who doesn’t want a little bit of that good juju in their lives? Even if it’s just one of those little things to make you crack a smile on a shitty ass day. And we’ve all had those. If you haven’t, then you might be a rock or possibly a lump of coal. You can find her on Twitter, spreading her brand of sunshine around to the masses. Click here for the Squirrel Wrangler interview.

Now on to the writing/editing side of things. Alpha readers are reading and bleeding on fLUX Runners, while a few have completely read through it already. My better half has already been through it and I need to get her a shirt that says “COMMAS, APOSTROPHES, QUOTATION MARKS OH MY… ” since those are some of my worst writing habits. Now in my defense, when the squirrels are screaming at me I can only type so fast and sometimes things get missed.
I even went and got myself one of them thar back cover blurb thingys from another of the readers. Here, check this out.
William J. Roberts has crafted one of the best stories I have read in years. Part comedy, part adventure, part drama—with all the best elements of each mixed together into a book I did NOT want to put down once I began reading. The characters are as real and vital, as alive as you and I, and they are FUN! The universe he’s crafted is just as exciting as the characters he’s populated it with to tell this epic tale. This is one of those books that reach out and grab your interest, and you never want it to let go. When I turned the final page, I had one thing to say: “I WANT MORE!”
Dan L. Hollifield
Senior Editor & Publisher: Aphelion Webzine
That’s pretty freaking cool, ain’t it? 🙂
The deeper that I get into the world of writing and publishing; the more thankful I am for people like my wife and Dan, who are willing to take the time to read through this mess and make comments that will better the work in the end. Without them and all of the others, I don’t know that I’d be able to finish it. Editors are expensive ya know. On top of all of this, I am learning to be even more patient. You all know how it is, you’re excited and waiting and waiting and waiting. But all of that waiting is alright. By the time I get back to doing another editing run, I will have been eyes off of the piece for over a month. Maybe by that point, I will be able to see the trees and not just the forest.
Now, other than the progress on fLUX Runners, I am working on the next few stories in the Final Twilight series for Altered Reality Magazine and the next Silver Tongue episode for Aphelion Webzine. On top of these, I have started outlining a story for a new space opera anthology that I was invited too. Just as soon as I can get those knocked out, it’s time to jump back to finishing the outline for my first kids’ book and editing my next story in line for alpha readers. I guess it falls into sci-fi/satire genre? Maybe? I don’t know, we’ll see what direction it takes after I get the editing done on it.
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Keep your heads up and your Pens sharp