Pick up your copy on Amazon today.
(Cover art by Brendan Smith)

Yup, you read that right, and I’m as surprised as you are. Seeing as I’m fresh out the gate as an author and folks are already nominating me for a Dragon award seems insane.

I sure won’t look a gift horse in the mouth though. If folks are liking my latest novel that much, why the hell shouldn’t I shoot the moon right out of the gate? What’s it going to hurt? Not a damn thing. Worst case, I’m out the little time I’ve spent making this post about it.

That being said, consider this post as a call to arms. I’m calling on all of y’all that I’ve come to know over the years.

So, how do you put in your vote? First off, go to the link below.


Then fill in the fields for best Alt-History Novel for Widowmakers. And hell, while your there if you want to punch in fLUX Runners for best Scifi novel, I sure won’t complain none at all.

So, quick little plug about Widowmakers if you didn’t catch any of my previous posts.

Grady Sullivan, a good ol’ boy from Walker County #Georgia, and aircraft mechanic in the 2nd pursuit squadron goes toe to toe with #gremlins on the front lines of #France.

2nd FS snack-o wall mural of aircraft flown by the squadron over the years. (notice the P-61 on the bottom right of center)
2nd FS squadron patch

To me, the best part of writing this story was that I was able to write in my own back story as a crew chief in the 2nd fighter squadron, and utilize the squadron’s actual history.

In July of 1944, the 2nd (at that time they were the 2nd pursuit squadron, not 2nd fighter squadron) was flying P-61’s in the European theater.

Here’s the back cover blurb of the book.

The first full novel of the explosive new Joint Task Force 13 series from Cannon Publishing!

France, 1944. Allied forces are fighting in the hedgerows of Normandy, battling German armored forces. Hastily established airfields provided close air support and battle the Luftwaffe for control of the skies. One airfield is overrun by a supernatural horde, destroying every craft except a P-61 Black Widow, the allies new night fighter.
Task Force 13, busy fighting the outbreaks of supernatural that always accompanies war, hasn’t an extra Marine to spare. A scratch crew of soldiers, airmen and one stray Marine pilot are given orders to seek out and destroy the horde of “gremlins” before they do further damage. Along the way they stir up something larger than they bargained for, and the war takes to the air.
There is a thin wall between our world and that of the Fae and, during times of war, it is easily stepped through. The passions and emotions stirred by violence and combat bleed over, and the supernatural often awake from long slumber to meddle in mortal affairs. Then also, there are the humans who purposely force that wall down seeking glory and power.
Either way, there have always been those among us who have been willing to meet the supernatural threat with cold steel, burning hearts and grim determination. In modern America, they are the men and women of Joint Task Force 13, those who have proven they have the mettle to confront soul blasting otherness on the battlefield. This unit, this organization, though, has been intertwined with our country since its birth. The name changes, but they are always there, ready to answer the call. Unknown, seeking no glory, asking no reward. They hold the line … BETWEEN HEAVEN AND HELL.

So, check out the book, spend a few seconds to toss in a vote and let’s see where this thing goes.

Keep your heads up and your pens sharp