Music has always been my go-to when I needed that little extra push to get into the mood of whatever scene I was writing.
Needless to say, I listen to pretty much anything. From classic rock to Insane Clown Posse, Hick Hop to Beethoven, Synthwave, and EDM to all forms of metal.
And when I’m working on something fantasy, I go for Nordic folk, like Danheim, Heilung, or Wardruna.
Otherwise, I’m digging into audiobooks and podcasts for entertainment or to learn something new and assimilate new ideas.
And going to a Black Jacket symphony concert charged me up something fierce.
Don’t know who they are? Only an amazing cover band that covers over 45 full-length albums from classic rock and more. This time they were covering Queen’s A Night At The Opera. And we were NOT disappointed.
And while there, listening and vibing with the music, it got me thinking about how music can help to set your mood and your pace, but then also, it got me to thinking about branding. What can an individual bring to the table as their own brand to stand out among the ocean of other authors trying to be seen?
Well, I tossed together a new randomness video yesterday morning just for that.
Other than that, it’s been the normal sort of weekend around here.
Racked the Raspberry mead and cut a little lime juice into it to drop out the remaining sediment, then played a few games with the kids.
Labyrinth is a great little puzzle game where you have to change the maze in order to find the treasures and return to your spot with them. It’s been one of the household favorites since they were tiny. I don’t know that Gilly was even around yet when we first got it.
Then there’s Ticket to Ride. A recent discovery on our part, and such a fun and easy game to play. We all agree that we want the larger American Map version, but the small New York version is great for a quick game of about or under an hour.
And the peppers have been producing like mad. Once I get everything I want ran through the dehydrator I’ll grind them down to pepper spice for myself and any other fire eaters who are brave enough to go for it.

I also have a new release for everyone to check out. It’s part of the Postcard collection being produced by Raconteur Press. It was a fun little challenge where everyone participating requested a writing prompt image. From that image, we were to tell a tale of no more or no less than 50 words.
That was one hell of a challenge. A full story in 50 words. Begining, middle, and end. It was well worth the attempt just to try it, but somehow they liked my piece well enough and I made the cover. So that was an added bonus.
And of course, what would a post be without showing off a new picture of #Hirotheeditorkitty. He’s a demanding little shit, and doubly so here lately.

So until next time, keep your heads up and your pens sharp.