Uncle Timmy…

I will start by saying that the world has lost a great man. One who brought so many people and so many fandoms together into one place. If not for this man and what he had created, I wouldn’t be on the path to fulfilling my dream as a writer. Because of LibertyCon and its creator I will have my first novel published and out there for the masses to enjoy. Which I have no doubt that the flood gate of ideas and stories will burst open once I press publish on this first one.
Thank you, Uncle Timmy. Thank you for LibertyCon. Thank you for the family that you created and I am now part of.
I have to admit that I am a bit behind on posting this week because I got a bit distracted while working on my kid’s book. But it’s all good. That’s just one more thing that will get created and put out there for the public to enjoy.
This weeks episode of “Randomness of my mind” is in dedication to Uncle Timmy. I’ll let the video speak for itself.

Something also out of the blue last week. I met up with my old editor. We had lost touch with one another for a few years, when I just had this bug up my ass, wondering what had happened to her. Mainly because it seemed that no one had heard from her in a very long time and I know that she had many health issues. The email addresses I had didn’t work and I no longer had her phone number since I had lost it on the last phone. After some digging around, including trying to contact her through her childhood friend, Harriet Rigney, I finally got in touch with her.
She had been doing well and had gone through hell to get a book of poetry published through some local printer. Apparently, they didn’t want to do anything that she wanted with her book, which I thought was funny since she paid to have the book published. Needless to say, I will not go to them for any services whatsoever.

Other than that, Brendan has been working on the elements of the “fLUX Runners” cover, and I managed to spend the weekend in the shop, cleaning, organizing and actually working on getting my bike back on the road.
And then of course, what would shop time be without the princess and cheezy B-rate movies on top of that? 😀
the mistress…
So we have a short but sweet addition to the Mistress story. I hope that you all enjoy it and get at least a little grin out of it. Things have sure taken an odd turn for Magnanimous and the Mistress.
“Um… Snookie Bear…” Magnanimous stood a few paces away from the edge of an enormous garden tub. “I know that you’re enjoying your bath, but don’t you think that four days straight might be a little excessive?”
The Mistress glared menacingly up at him. “Who are you to tell me what’s too much? Perhaps I decided that I am now a fish person. Maybe now I want to conquer Atlantis.”
She splashed the bubbles about then slipped into the waters depths. Silent bubbles floated upward, bursting at the bath water’s soapy surface. Suddenly she burst forth, draped in a thick layer of suds that stretched from her head to her toe. She stood erect, one foot propped on the edge of the tub. She thrust out her ample bosom with a seductively proud grin.
“Perhaps I am now the queen of all the oceans! Fear me mortals!” She let out a manic chortle.
“For the love of all that is holy, I think she drank the kool-aid.” Magnanimous blinked in bewilderment.
“You drank the Kool-aid,” the Mistress shouted back. She let herself fall backwards into the water and started floating on her back. “I drank the waters of the depths of the world and became the goddess of all the seas,” she said in a sing-song tone.
“Uh hu… And if you conquer all of the oceans, then what do you plan to do with them? You know you can’t breathe without gear and who really wants to deal with all of that crap on your back for fifteen minutes on the bottom?”
“Oh ho!” She sat up, propped on her elbows. “So you challenge my power? You think that I can’t rule simple fishies?” She slips beneath the sud covered surface of the water once again.
Magnanimous picks up a jar from the side of the tub. “Blood of our enemies,” he mumbled to himself as he read the handwritten label. He opened the jar and sniffed at its oily contents. “Doesn’t smell odd,” he observed. He dipped a finger into the oily mix and lightly tapped it onto his tongue. “That tastes disgustingly familiar,” he said to himself. “Josh! This isn’t just Kudzu that you crushed for the Mistress, is it?”
Suddsy bubbles erupted from the tub as the Mistress exploded from its depths, coughing and crying. “What happened,” she pined in a confused tone. One minute this tub is a portal to the kingdom of oceanic gods, then you come in here and it’s suddenly all gone. You killed my god powers! Now I’ll never take over the ocean and make my own kingdom of fishies!” She wailed and collapsed against the edge of the tub. Her body convulsed with each heavy shuddering sob.
“Hu…” Magnanimous looked down at the jar in his hand, then to the Mistress, then back to the jar again. “I’m sure that you just missed the portal, Snookie Bear.” He emptied the contents of the jar over her body and into the tub. “Just relax and soak for a little while longer,” he said soothingly. “Don’t you worry yourself about anything. I have it all under control.” He laughed under his breath.
“Really?” The Mistress looked up at him with her wide, doe-like eyes. “Thank you!” She lept up, planting a kiss on Magnanimous’s cheek. “C’mere fishies. You’re mine now!” She dove beneath sudsy surface once again.
That’s it for this episode. Keep your heads up and your pens sharp.