For the last two months, I have been playing catch up with the publishing house endeavor, putting out a few titles by others, and a few short stories of my own. But that kind of productivity can only last for so long before the squirrels go nuts and demand creativity
So I’ve shifted gears and started work on my first attempt at a kid’s book, The Galactic Kids Club, which takes place in my fLUX Runners universe roughly halfway between books 1 and 2. And yes, for my two whole readers, fLUX Runners book 2 is starting to coalesce in the back of my head and I’ve contacted the cover artist to begin working on the new ship models.
As for The Galactic Kids Club, the cover art has been in work for some time. I’ve debated on internal artwork for this piece or if it should just contain the text. I’m shooting for a 4th to 7th-grade reader range I suppose since I had the kids and a few of their friends help with writing the story.
So besides what will be a number of other knocked out chores and publishing items, I’m gonna knock out a few words toward my rough goal of 20,000 words for the kid’s book. Fingers crossed.
Keep your heads up and your pens sharp,