Anthology / It Came From the Trailer Park / New releases / The Misadventures of Braxton Hicks / Updates
Are you ready? Return of the Trailer Park is here!
Are you ready? Return of the Trailer Park is here!
October 28, 2022
Award winning author, editor, and publisher
Are you ready? Return of the Trailer Park is here!
Then you’ll want to come out and catch us this weekend, Saturday, October 15th, 2022 at the JACK! The Jack...
I know, it’s been a long minute since I jumped on here and threw out an update. Between day job...
Man, I’ve almost caught up on these short story commitments I seemed to pile up over the summer. And it...
Did y’all miss me? As always, things are busier than a one-legged man in a kicking contest. Between writing...
That’s right, it is finally done and only took me most of the summer to complete. Really, the doing of...
The Writing Gig So as most of y’all know, I’ve been busy as all get out with the Starflight anthology....