I know, how freaking cool is that? We hit #1 new release in multiple categories with a freaking anthology of all things. It just blows my mind away that this happened.
So to give everyone just a little teaser, I’m including an excerpt from my story, “Billy and the Kid”
The guy’s face collapsed in on itself under the force of the camshaft that all but obliterated it with a sickening crunch. The bridge of his nose and the inner orbital bones gave way as the heavy piece of hardened steel penetrated deep into his sinus cavity. If the guy survived long enough for his wounds to heal, he’d probably never be able to smell a damn thing, let alone chew his food. His upper teeth sagged and hung oddly over his lower lip. My gut twisted at the sound the guy made when he tried to scream. It wasn’t any sound you’d think a grown man would make. It came out more like the sound a wounded moose in heat might make after being shot in the nuts.
The guy crumpled to the ground into fetal position and clutched at what was left of his face. The crowd cheered, chanting for me to finish him. I adjusted the camshaft in my grip and looked down at the broken individual. It would be so easy to finish him, and the asshole probably deserved it. But after the things he’d suggested to Alvena, he needed to suffer for as long as possible.
I leaned down close to the guys’ ear. He flinched, curling up into a tighter ball when I put my hand on his arm to steady myself.
“She’s still a child,” I said into his perfect ear. “You do not think about doing things like that to a child without karma catching up, you sicko fuck.”
I let the camshaft clatter to the concrete floor next to his head as I stood. He jerked away from the sound and let out a long whimpering cry.
“I hope you live a long, miserable life, fucktard.”
The crowd erupted in boos and hisses as I walked away from the crumpled figure. They dispersed, going back to what they had been doing before I caught the asshole messing with Al.

Now other than that, it’s been chores, family time, writing, editing and Recording/editing videos for the Virtual Liberty Con this year. Some how or another I’ve become the Literary/Publishing track director. But it’s all good. I have not problem helping out LibertyCon, because without LC, I wouldn’t be where I am today as an author.
The current project is editing the Starflight Anthology and doing the prep/promotion for it.
Next on deck is to knock out the kids book that I started a good while back just to get it finished before the kids get to big. They’re on their way to becoming stinky teenagers.
After that I’ll be concentrating on my Starflight novel and jumping straight over to finish Dogs of War, my next submission for The Fallen world universe.
And in between everything else going on, we’ve been squeezing in a bit of hiking time out in the Chickamauga Battlefield.

Alright, time to get my sorry ass back to work. So until next time, Keep your heads up and your pens sharp.