Squirrel Wrangling…

Have you ever had one of those Friday nights, when you’re wide ass awake, everyone else is asleep and your mind squirrels won’t let you write the first word to save your life all because they have this bright freaking idea?
I have this one strange little mind squirrel called Tommy. He’s a bit of a nerd and doesn’t interact very well with the other squirrels. He tends to spend his days hiding in the back corner playing with all of the AV gear that’s just sorta been dumped there over the years, and every now and then he gets a hankering to mess with something new.
It started with looking around for some music, which turned into begging others to read lines of dialogue and record them, then turned into full audio track layering and tweaking that ended with a brand new teaser trailer, ready for public consumption.

The next thing you know, boom, feedback is rolling in, Tommy is working up an all-new layout that isn’t too far off from the original and after a few shots of whiskey this afternoon, (since I’d tweaked my back while working in the garden), I have the final version of the Teaser. Nothing major, just something simple and sweet that I think everyone will enjoy. I’ll paste up the link at the end of this post.
A special thanks goes out to Marc of the Molly Maguires here in Chattanooga for letting me use one of there tracks in the video.
Range Time…
Our littlest turned seven this past week, and he has been dying to go to the shooting range since I’d taken his big brother for his birthday back in November. Since their minimum age limit is seven, he has been waiting months for his turn. I was so proud of this little goober. The first six shots with the Papaw’s little .22 caliber revolver were all on target. Nowhere near the bullseye on five of the six, but all rounds hit the target at 10 yards. That’s pretty damned good for never having fired a gun before. Then he tried his hand at the 4-10 shotgun. He didn’t like that so much. The boy is so scrawny I thought the gun was going to knock him on his ass.


As with most years, we tend to have a garden. Usually, something way to large or labor intensive and it gets out of hand. Last year we didn’t do much of anything other than tending to the fruit already established. This year though, we are utilizing the large bed in the front yard. I picked up some plants after we finished at the firing range and got those planted last night. We weren’t doing anything major this year, so I picked up some Roma and Beefsteak tomatoes. Sweet banana and Bell peppers for mamma, then a cayenne, jalapeno and a habenaro for me.

Then today I spent the morning building a new bed and trellis for our peas and cucumbers out of some old framing and chicken wire that I had laying around. I also put out seeds for squash, okra, sunflowers, and watermelon. Shouldn’t be to hard to maintain and the yield this year should be much better than we’ve had in the past. Next build project, other than getting my bike finished is the fairy garden wall and the front herb bed.
I think that’s about it for the boring week. I’ve gotten 50% of the outline completed for the “Not to Yield” anthology submission, started fleshing out a cowboy story of all things and added a few more details to my fLUX Runners universe.
So for now, I’ll leave you with a new video to check out. Remember, follow, like, subscribe and don’t forget about the newsletter sign up in the right side panel.
Keep your heads up and your pens sharp.