What have you been reading?

Besides reading through Three Ravens submissions and editing titles for release, I’ve been slowly working my way through CLOCKWORK ANGELS...

December 26, 2023

Time is running out!

Car Warriors: The Autoduel Chronicles GameLit Kickstarter project update

We have just under 15 hours remaining on the Kickstarter. Then all the real work on my end begins. 

I’ve gotten word back from one printer that “Sally” looked like it had printed out well, but she hadn’t finished removing the flash yet.  I may have to beef up the gun barrels just a hair to make sure they don’t easily break, and it’ll give me a baseline to work with when modeling the rest of the vehicles.  

And for those of you who want all of the 3D .stl files that you can get your hands on, we are just $130 shy of the next stretch goal of $7,000, which will score you access to the 3D models created for vehicles from Marathon of Madness by Christopher Woods

 This is the Last chance to spread the word to your Car Wars game groups or your reading groups. Snag the models, get some great fiction, and don’t forget about the Tuckerizations that are available where you can become part of the Car Warriors story universe canon! 

Thank you all for the support that you’ve shown.  This has been an overwhelmingly positive experience for my first Kickstarter project. 

Wiliam Joseph Roberts

#carwars #carwarriors #autoduel #gamelit #sciencefiction #fiction #carcombat #autoduelfiction #deadmansrun #stevejacksongames

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September 14, 2023