Widowmakers, a jtf 13 novel
This year has been flying by and been insanely busy, but it’s a good kind of busy, ya know.
To start things off for today’s post, I’ve gotta pimp my latest novel from Canon Publishing, Widowmakers, set in the JTF13 universe. As I said in my previous post, this one touched home, allowing me to play in my own personal backstory as an aircraft mechanic in the United States Air Force. So I made a hero out of a Crew Chief (aircraft mechanic) from the 2nd Pursuit Squadron, (my last active duty squadron) who finds himself in a world of hurt at a forward airbase in northern France.
There’s a little something in it for everyone. If you want a good run of science fiction and monsters tossed in with the feel of an old school WW2 flick, packed with action, laughs and just a touch of romance, give Widowmakers a gander and tell me what you think .
Here’s the book blurb from Amazon.
The first full novel of the explosive new Joint Task Force 13 series from Cannon Publishing!
France, 1944. Allied forces are fighting in the hedgerows of Normandy, battling German armored forces. Hastily established airfields provided close air support and battle the Luftwaffe for control of the skies. One airfield is overrun by a supernatural horde, destroying every craft except a P-61 Black Widow, the allies’ new night fighter.
Task Force 13, busy fighting the outbreaks of supernatural that always accompanies war, hasn’t an extra Marine to spare. A scratch crew of soldiers, airmen and one stray Marine pilot are given orders to seek out and destroy the horde of “gremlins” before they do further damage. Along the way they stir up something larger than they bargained for, and the war takes to the air.
There is a thin wall between our world and that of the Fae and, during times of war, it is easily stepped through. The passions and emotions stirred by violence and combat bleed over, and the supernatural often awake from long slumber to meddle in mortal affairs. Then also, there are the humans who purposely force that wall down seeking glory and power.
Either way, there have always been those among us who have been willing to meet the supernatural threat with cold steel, burning hearts and grim determination. In modern America, they are the men and women of Joint Task Force 13, those who have proven they have the mettle to confront soul blasting otherness on the battlefield. This unit, this organization, though, has been intertwined with our country since its birth. The name changes, but they are always there, ready to answer the call. Unknown, seeking no glory, asking no reward. They hold the line … BETWEEN HEAVEN AND HELL.
Just behind widowmakers is my next novel, Wildcat that takes place in Christopher Woods Fallen World series. I’m about 60,000 words in after a little backtrack and clean up of plot holes. Shooting to get this one done and turned into Chris Kennedy Publishing in the next week or so if life will agree with me.
It’s crazy that in the past 24 hours I have approved the audio on two of my published short stories, Closet Cases and Poker Face, which should be live on audible in the next few weeks after ACX and Audible finish processing the files. This time last year I had nothing on the market, but now I have two novels, a handful of short stories and now audio available for readers to enjoy.
On top of those two audio shorts coming out, I have a flash fiction fLUX Runners short story in the Drunken Cranberries and other Holiday Musings: A Corner Scribblers Holiday Collection: Vol 1
Networking is one thing that I have found to be absolutely important on the Indie publishing scene. Whether you’re going to Conventions and getting face time with other authors and publishers or making connections on social media through groups and newsfeeds, networking is a must for the new author on the block.
Even during my days as a podcaster, networking played a major part in spreading the word of what we were doing and to help gather more listeners. As an author, the networking potential at conventions like Libertycon, or Chattacon is what has helped me to get where I am with my craft.
Here’s a damn good example of networking at its best. As of June 2019, I only had a few short stories published through a couple of online magazines, then I attended Libertycon. By the time I left, I had been asked by John Holmes of Canon Publishing for a JTF Novel, which was funny. I was rushing to attend a panel and he was sitting out in the convention center taking a break between panels and asked me when I was going to sit down and talk to him about books. So I spun on my heel and happily plopped my ass down for a chat, which is where the initial idea for Widowmakers came to life.

On top of that, I was invited by Rob Howell to join in a High Fantasy Anthology (When Valor Must Hold), that he was heading up through Christ Kennedy Publishing. The soul reason he wanted to invite me was because I included him on my twitter #ff or Friend Friday posts.
Honestly, the only reason I did it was cause Rob is just a cool dude and has always been easy to talk with at the conventions. So why the hell not, ya know? It sure doesn’t hurt to give someone a little bump. You never know if it might help them take that next step.
Then I was asked by Michael Hanson to co-write the first novel of the Sha’Daa series, which Is freaking awesome! I loved writing my first Braxton story that was published in Sha’Daa: Toys. So that is still on my plate of things to do this year.
Then a week or two after the convention, I’d gotten the offer from Chris Kennedy to write a full-length novel based on the short story I’d submitted to them for the Fallen World anthology, From the Ashes. I didn’t get into the anthology, but I still managed to get an offer, which I have to say, I did the freaking happy dance for a while afterward.
I don’t want to kill my luck or anything, but what the hell? Being a no-name author with nothing really out there on the market I essentially walked out of a convention with three book deals and an invite to write in a new anthology. How the hell does that happen? I chalk it all up to networking.
Now that goes along something else that I’ve learned while talking to some of my peers. If you expect to go to a convention and make a killing, you’d better be selling books in bulk or some other side hustle in the stairwell or something.
I did the math on my fLUX Runners novel just to see what I could make on each copy. After the cost of purchasing a case, shipping, taxes, take out for income tax (assuming I manage to sell the entire case at the convention), I come out of it earning a whopping 0.46 cents in profit per book. Now, the upside is that I’m able to make my money back on print copies, but that’s about all I’ll be able to do with.
So that part aside, the benefit of attending a convention is the potential networking aspect. Not only do you get the opportunity to sit down and bull shit, talking shop with your peers, you get the opportunity to get some one-on-one face time with readers and potential fans.
This is the part where you get the opportunity to sell yourself and your product. I know a few folks don’t really like this analogy, but it’s the downright truth. We as authors and artists are one step away from being hookers. Our entire business model is based on “how good we look” and if we can entice the next unsuspecting John into paying for our product. So unless you find yourself with one of the big publishing houses or have one kick-ass agent, you’re on your own to push your product.
Another great thing that can come from this sort of networking is the “sharing of the load” when it comes to promotion on the web. Other authors will help to share and spread the word about your latest publications, you might be invited to join in another author’s podcast where you get to promote your work or you get the opportunity to do a promotion share.
Which leads me into a plug for fellow author, Jacob Holo and his Bane of the Dead: A Mecha Space Opera Adventure (Seraphim Revival Book 1) .
This is a perfect example of that networking thing I was talking about. The Holo’s approached me and a number of other authors offering to trade a blog/newsletter post tit for tat with each other.
Here’s his blurb from Amazon
Fueled by the Soul. Commanded by the Dead.
An action-packed read for fans of Gundam, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Pacific Rim, and other action-packed giant robot adventures!
In an empire ruled by the honored dead, seraphs are the ultimate weapons. Fueled by the pilot’s very soul, these colossal humanoid war machines are unstoppable in battle. Only a few possess the gift to control such craft, and those men and women are prized above all others.
Jack Donolon is the most powerful pilot in existence, a hero of Earth with a mind fractured by his seraph. On the far side of the galaxy, he uncovers a terrible truth about the seraphs and their pilots. Now he must return on a mission no one will understand, to face and kill the people who once called him friend and comrade.
But the death he will bring is insignificant next to the destruction that will follow, should he fail…
feeding the muse
Now to wrap things up, my evil mind squirrels have shifted gears from listening to Hick-hop (Cypress Spring, Demun Jones, Lacs, etc.) to letting the Pantera station run on Pandora. I don’t know about other authors out there, but music plays a major part in fueling my stories. They help me to get in the mood and to get the feel of the setting that I’m working in.
Reading recomendations
Unfortunately I am a very slow reader, but luckily my day job allows me to listen to audiobooks while I go about the daily mind-numbing tasks. I’m a little behind on my current “reading” list, but I’ll give a quick over all update.
First off is Faith Hunters latest Junkyard Cats, which was my first introduction to her work. Her characters and settings sold me so I picked up her first Jane Yellowrock novel, Skinwalker, and so far I have to say that I’m loving it and have not been disappointed in the least.
Next would be the Longmire series by Craig Johnson, which I’m on “An Obvious Fact” book twelve of the series and highly recommend it to anyone.
So that’s it for now from the twisted mess that is my mind. Back to work and hopefully more word count for the day.
Keep your heads up and your pens sharp.