It’s funny how things change and come about sometimes. The universe screams for us to go one way or another, or it continually slaps us in the face, telling us, hey! Yes you! You should totally do this thing!

Sometimes we listen and sometimes we don’t. And then there are those evil little voices in the back of our minds distracting us and telling us how horrible we are at something, when really, we’re pretty damn good at it. In fact, the evidence supports it, but still, for the most part we give in to that annoying little voice.

I’ve come to think of that little voice as an annoying habbit, like bitting your nails, honking at the stop light or even smoking. You can change. These are personal choices. You have to actively want to change in order to make it happen.

Right now, I have mine chained up and locked away in a back closet. I can still hear his muffled screams, but that’s alright. We’ll just turn that internal jukebox up to eleven and drown the little fucker out.

That being said, 2019 has been a whirlwind of emotion and change for me when it comes to writing and my future in writing. The better half and I have started laying the foundation of a new major life shift, giving me more time to write and make things happen.

So, keep an eye on this page, and my other social media spots. I should have three books out by the first quarter or so of 2020, with more coming down the pipe right behind them.

Like Nahko says, “I believe in the good things comin'”

Time to crank that shit up to eleven!

Keep your heads up and your pens sharp.