With all the crap going on in the world today, how about something positive and uplifting for a change?
A few days ago, I was speaking with my sponsor and Military buddy, Simon who runs, Plutten Outdoor World. We were going over plans for how to grow and build the brand. Part of that is by looking for Ambassadors like me, who have inspirational content or are able to run off at the mouth at the drop of a hat like me.
Since they deal in outdoor “lifestyle” equipment, I hollered at my little sis, Erin. Once upon a time she and her husband were river guides and worked for a number of different “Adventure” companies back home in West Virginia along the New River. She put me on the trail of Mister Levi Moore, who after years of dealing with Systemic Gout, and over two years of not walking, overcame the disease to become a community leader and trail guide along the New River Gorge.

Honestly, his determination and perseverance makes my fat ass want to get out of this seat and do even more than I already have been. I can understand constant pain, because of severe arthritis in my knees, hip, and back leftover from my days crewing F-15’s in the Airforce.
Yay for industrial chemicals and abusing our bodies when we were young and dumb.
Can you feel the sarcasm in that? Good, cause I was trying to slather it on pretty thick.
But go check out his video linked below and give him a follow on Facebook.
I hope that some of you feel the same as I do after seeing his story. We as authors, whose job it is to sit and create wonders of the imagination, need to get up and move for our own health and sanity. Take a break and detach yourselves from the technological overlords for a little every day. Get some fresh air, a little sun, and help out your health so you can keep creating those amazing stories for years to come.
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Keep your heads up and your pens sharp