I know, that doesn’t sound right, does it? How in the hell did I manage to land a sponsor, let alone one who sells outdoor products?
See, it all started way back in the late ’90s when I happened to meet and befriend a young and impressionable airman while stationed at Kadena Air base on Okinawa. Many good times were had, and memories made before we finished our tours and went our separate ways.
Then, low and behold, a few days ago I get a random Facebook message from one of those buddies who happened to find a photo while digging through his storage unit from a camping trip that a number of us went on to Sesoko Island, just west of Nago. I’ve never been one for the beach, but that was one of many crazy weekends. Too much booze, not enough food, and an invasion of the hermit crabs freaked a few of us out that had never seen them in the wild before.

The incriminating photo in question is below. Wasn’t I just a sexy man-beast back then? XD Hell, I’d gone to a beach party with the ex-wife looking something like this just shortly after this trip and she still married me anyways. She must have been drunk or something.

Considering how dirty I was in the picture, it had to be after a day or two of camping and rolling around in the fire. Hell, I don’t remember sleeping in a tent either, so I was probably sleeping on the ground next to the fire.
Now, I hadn’t talked to Simon in probably over 20 years before the other day. We messaged back and forth for a bit and then I just got lazy and dialed up a video call on messenger. Man, we must have laughed for a few hours. It was like we’d never left the island. We bullshit, caught up on where life had taken each of us and that’s when he told me about his company, Plutten Outdoor World.
He said he’d been looking for “ambassadors” and hell, I’d honestly been thinking up ideas for content to put on my page on a regular basis. That’s when the squirrels put two and two together for a brilliant plan.
See, part of the program is that he sends out gear once a month. Well, taking that gear and applying it to the post-apocalyptic perspective of my characters in the “Fallen World”, “Last Brigade”, or “Freeman” universes could be a useful research tool and add to the pile of writing fodder. So with the help of the Bunnies, we’ll most likely test any samples to destruction, based on use and abuse in a post-apocalyptic setting in order to give a fair review of the products. And depending on what he sends, I might have to go camping and fishing a little more often than once a year.
Now if anyone is interested, check them out at this link for the holiday special prices that he’s running. https://pluttenow.com/discount/HOHOHO Or enter HOHOHO into the promo code at checkout to get the holiday discount until December 5th. And a portion of every sale goes to one of their Veteran charities.
The bonus upside for me? Well besides helping out a buddy and getting free gear to mess with, I get a little sliver of the pie anytime anyone uses one of my codes. Which is cool. If all goes well by the end of the year, I might be able to take the better half out for a coffee or something.
Great looking website. Presume you did a great deal of your very own coding. Ester Niels Lundeen