Yup, the fat boy is getting his act together and getting into a shape other than pudgy. So I’ve been hitting up the gym multiple times a week as well as going on walks in the Chickamauga Battlefield. it’s such an awesome area to hike in. Lots of wildlife, never crowded and it just feels damn good to get out of the house.
Besides that, we’ve got the garden more or less set up and produce is appearing all over. Apples, cherries, peppers, and peas just to start with.
On the writing and publishing side of things, I’ve been busy with edits on the Starflight Anthology, John Drake’s next comedic satire, Zoomers as well as editing two upcoming fantasy stories, “The Journey” by J.F. Posthumus and “The Raven and the Crow”, by Michael K. Falciani, as well as a fun urban fantasy novel by J.F. Posthumus called “Taking the Night”, book one of the Nightshade series. Been a little swamped on the Publishing side of things. But it’s a good busy.

I’ve gotten words down on a new, yet to be titled book and series in the MilScifi genre. Not my usual cup of tea, but for what ever reason it just struck me hard. Then there’s the start of my first Starflight novel and more word count going into “Dogs of War”, for the Fallen World universe.
Once I get past some of the editing/publishing responsibilites for Three Ravens, it’s time to jump in full force and get a few novels nocked out.
So until next time, Keep your heads up and your pens sharp, and enjoy the garden and hiking pics attached below.