Yup, you heard me right. I’ve teamed up with the likes of Dave Butler, Benjamin Tyler Smith, Mel Todd, and RJ Ladon for the latest book giveaway, where we will each be giving away (5) Five signed copies of the books in the image below.

Now, as both of you, my readers know, I have declared spring to be here and have been working feverishly to get the garden moved and everything ready for the year.
Part of that process has always been to thin out the flowers and give some away to folks, “Grandmaw” Toni Weisskopf being one of them on the shortlist. Well, she must have ratted me out to Brandy since I got a text message the other day from Brandy that she’d had heard I was giving away more plants. 🙂
So, I did my gentlemanly duty and gave a pretty lady pretty flowers.

I hooked her up with more than a few things. Canna Lilies, Day lilies, Daffodils, Beauty Berry, Blackberry, Banana, Ajuga, Comfrey, Lambs Ear, Rosemary, Echinacea, Yarrow and probably more that I’m forgetting. She left pretty happy with her haul.
Other than the garden work, I’ve been trying to wrap up my Starflight story for the Starflight: Tales from the Starport Lounge anthology so I can get back to Smuggler’s Quest with Christopher Woods. And since the weather has gotten much better, we’ve started hiking in the battlefield again and came across what we thought looked like a fae hole.

And we all know that as authors, we have to continue reading to keep our minds churning and chewing on new ideas. I’ve been trying to force the habit, just like I forced the habit of 0400 is my standard writing time every day, to put in at least a chapter a day of recreational reading somewhere.
So I wrapped up this little gem from Robert Silverberg, published way back in 1964.
Even though the man probably doesn’t have any need for reviews since he’s a legend, I left him one on the Zon anyways.
I just finished reading 1992, (The copy I have was published in 1964), and I’ve got to say that it was an amazing tale of the fantastic.
I was honestly surprised at how much I enjoyed the corporate positioning and gerrymandering as we watched Reagen’s world crumble a little bit more on each page. I especially enjoyed the look back at scifi of the ’60s and the view of the future versus today’s action and gun porn novels. It was refreshing, to say the least.

And now that I finished with that story, I’ve moved to the next on my “to be read” list which just keeps getting bigger any time I step foot near MacKay’s books. I had read A Clockwork Orange once, way back in Junior High, but I really don’t remember it. I think I may have skimmed the entire book and moved on because I caught myself doing just that when I started to read it yesterday morning. Most of the work is a broken cockney and translating the words on the run just hurts my head. But I’ll read it anyways. The protagonists/antagonists of the story are already grating on my nerves and I want to beat the shit out of them myself, so we’ll see how the story ends and go from there.
So for now, that’s about it. Time to get my wordcount in for the day and get back to gardening. I’ve got the next week off and I don’t plan on wasting even a second of it.
You can find my latest interview with the blokes at Chat and Spin radio over in the UK here. I’m the last interview of the night if you’d like to fast forward.
Keep your heads up and your pens sharp