It’s crazy to think that summer is on its way out, and DragonCon is just around the corner. While I’m not looking forward to the crowds, I am looking forward to seeing tons of friends and getting a chance to be on lots of panels. The official schedule isn’t out yet, but I know of at least four panels that I’m slated for and I will be one of the MC’s for the Page to Stage costume contest on Thursday at DragonCon.
One of the panels for sure will be our Car Warriors: Autoduel Chronicles discussion on Monday, to talk about the recent releases, upcoming titles, and the Car Warriors Kickstarter.
Speaking of which, the Kickstarter project goes live tomorrow morning! Lots of cool swag and opportunities for tuckerizations in the universe. Here’s the details.
Car Warriors: The Autoduel Chronicles GameLit Kickstarter begins August 1st!

You read that right! We have a Kickstarter project at the starting line, engine revving and ready to race. The race begins August 1st, with the stated goal of providing the funding needed to make the Car Warriors fiction universe that much more special. We have a lot in store for that world, and we can’t wait to bring it to an even wider audience! Subscribe at this link in order to be notified as soon as it launches!
Also, David Hankins, one of our Superstars Writing Seminar friends and alumni are running a new Kickstarter that you might also be interested in, and it’s listed at the end of this post.

Now other than working on the Car Warriors project, I’ve been banging out a new outline for by B.E.N.T. novel, since Google docs decided to eat the last one. If all goes well, I’ll be able to bang out this book by the end of the challenge I issued a few weeks ago.

45 days to write 50,000 words and turn in a publishable novel. I know of several people who have jumped on the challenge, so it’ll be interesting to see what comes of it.
It really shouldn’t come as any surprise that when working on a new project, I dive into the research and sometimes get lost. Well, this time around after a suggestion from Talerider for a location in Oklahoma for a scene, I found it to be the perfect location. Leo & Ken’s truckstop diner. And the best part, after talking with the owners, we’ll be stopping in for some grub on our way out to Colorado for the Superstars Writing Seminar in February.
Needless to say, the joint is going into the book. And if you’re ever out in Lawton Oklahoma, stop in and check the place out.
Recent sightings
It shouldn’t be any secret that we’ve recently been bouncing around, hitting up some of our favorite conventions. Namely, LibertyCon and Imaginarium. Both were a blast. Lots of good times has, lots of connections made, and even better memories.

Now, on top of all of that, I was recently invited to take part in a new writer’s conference just North of Chicago coming up this November.

From the sounds of it, I’ll be doing nothing but talking to the baby authors and trying to pass on as much knowledge as I can .
Around the house
As always, I’m busier than a three-legged man in an ass-kicking contest, but that doesn’t mean I get out of doing my chores.

The Garden is in abundance!!
This year we’ve been dealing with what looks like a rust fungus or blight on the tomatoes, so they haven’t been producing great, but My jalapeno and Habenaro plants are absolutely loaded!

What am I reading
I’ve been bouncing all over the place like normal, but so far they’ve been great reads.

The Guardians was another one of those pure luck finds at Mackay’s used books in Chattanooga. Paid all of 10 cents for the thing and I’m loving it. Great 80’s style post-apocalyptic action fiction.
Then there’s the most recent audio book that I’ve dove head first into, Conan: Blood of the Serpent by S.M. Stirling. I figured since I was going to get the chance to meet him at DragonCon this year, it might not be a bad idea to catch up on some of his more recent titles.
Outside of the original Robert E. Howard stories and those continuing the series by L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter, the only other author I have read in this universe that can think of, was Robert Jordan.
Nothing at all against Jordan, love his work and I have great respect for the man, but compared to what Stirling has done with the character, Jordan’s work was slow and dry. Stirling really does tell one hell of a story, with all the things that make Howard’s original stories so great.

Next on the list is a little title sent in from a young author I met while at Imaginarium, who has more than impressed me already. She’s got a fire in her belly for the craft, and I’m looking forward to where she goes with what she’s learning.
Her style is solid and the opening hooks you pretty quick. I look forward to diving deep into this one and see where it goes.

And before we part for the evening, because 0400 will be coming quick.
If you are a fan of peppermint patty candies, then you’ll want to try this little concoction. 1 part mint liquor mixed with 1 part chocolate liquor. OMG it’s freaking dangerous.
Other stuff
As mentioned above, David Hankins, one of our Superstars Writing Seminar friends and alumni are running a new Kickstarter that you might also be interested in.

The Taxman is coming!
Join the Grim Reaper in Death and the Taxman in a hilarious race against time as he, trapped in an IRS agent’s dying body, tries to cheat death and avoid an audit by Hell’s Auditor and the Office of Micromanagement. Allies are few and hijinks are many in this novel-length expansion of the Writers of the Future Volume 39 award-winning short story of the same name.
Available on Kickstarter from August 8th to September 7th.

Upcoming appearances
You’ll be able to find William Joseph Roberts, aka Hillbilly representing Three Ravens at the upcoming events over the next few months.
So, until next time, keep your heads up and your pens sharp!