Well, you can be, just like myself and a number of other authors that I know.
The superstar that I’m talking about is the Superstars Writing Seminar held in Colorado Springs each February.

Last year’s seminar was a powerful and pivotal moment in my career. I’d been at that “what the hell am I doing” moment for awhile between my writing and Three Ravens Publishing, and by the time I left the Seminar last February, I had validation of everything I’d been doing up to that point. From there it was time to double down and keep pressing forward.
And I know only the folks who were there or have heard Jim Butchers origin story speech, it was one of the most powerful parts of the entire seminar for me.
Which I have the handwritten note that the amazing Marisa Wolf made for me while we were sitting there hanging at my desk so I don’t forget that speech.

Now as a little side tangent, I’ve meant to do a video series of things I feel are helpful or useful to the budding author, mainly because I struggled so much to get where I am now. So maybe someone will find it useful and grow in their craft.
Until next time, keep your heads up and your pens sharp.