And by vault, if the first thing to come to mind was the vaults from the Fallout Game series, then you’d be right on the money. I was telling the kids just the other day, that I’ve never been a true fan of really anything. Even though I love all things Star Trek, I wasn’t going to sign up for yet another streaming service just to watch it.

But the Fallout Game series, that’s something entirely different. I have always loved the struggle and fight for survival that anything post-apocalyptic brought along with it. And when someone in our circle asked me why I enjoy these kinds of stories, I really had to think about the reason why I loved the genre so much.

Well, it came down to being crafty, clever, creative, and so much more. The skill and ability to adapt makes for great story fodder in my opinion. When you get into the conflict of the piece your characters have to survive and win the day by their skills and wits.

But a good part of that might have something to do with growing up in southern West Virginia, and seeing so many folks struggle day in and day out. For some folks, back there when I was younger, they were already living that kind of existence with no help in sight.

As for the Fallout Game series, I picked up the original game shortly after being stationed at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, and played the shit out of it. Followed by Fallout 2 shortly after in 1998, which I also burned through. Come to think of it. I wonder what ever happened to those game disks, now that I think about it. Bet the ex took them with her. Hum…

Anyway, when the Fallout series was announced, I started to get excited, but then I remembered all of the film and television adaptations of video games that had come before, and I honestly hadn’t gotten my hopes up.

Well, we started watching last week, and HOLY HELL! they are pulling it off. So much so that lore discussions with the kids have ramped up again. So much so that I bit the bullet and picked up Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics over on Steam for around $5.

We’re planning to hook the laptop up to the big TV and do the playthrough together. You can pick it up here:

The entire family are such fans of the Fallout game series, that once we get to reclaim the downstairs from basement trolls and are able to renovate the bottom floor, the game room will be done up like a small vault, with signs leading off to other “sections” of the vault. We’re gonna have fun doing the build out, I’m sure. The worst part will be having to buy what we can’t find for cheap or make ourselves.

And for those who really love a deal, the entire game line is on sale for stupid cheap. You can snag it here:

But needless to say, we are enjoying the hell out of the series, with one episode to go and those corporate ass hats had better not cancel it after the first season. They might have a nerd revolt on their hands at that point.

Currently Reading

Besides an old-school Moorcock novel that I picked up from our local used book store, we’ve been invited to join in for lessons of Ancient Irish with our new friend Danuta, who we met at Superstars this past February.

I absolutely love this pic of Meg and Nush

So I’ve been working on my pronunciation and vocabulary words and loving every freaking minute of it.

Other Cool Things

The Intergalactic Rejects Kickstarter project has funded, and I’ve gotten my first official Pro Sale of a story. I’m looking forward to getting my copy to put on the shelf.


We had a blast with the crew this past weekend at the Murphy Music and Brews festival in Murphy, North Carolina. Proceeds from the event went to the Shepherd’s Men to support their mission of helping veterans and first responders.

And up next, we have JordanCon!

This weekend, you’ll be able to find me at JordanCon, down in Atlanta. It’ll be my first year attending, and apparently, Stone has me stacked with panels, so I’m expecting to be pretty damned busy. So come out, check out the panels, and hang out for a spell.

Listening too

This past Monday, the Rock Orchestra were in Chattanooga playing at the Signal, and it was well worth the money spent. Damn good tunes and great company.

Latest releases

Releasing tomorrow!

Go Hard or Go Home: A Car Warriors: Autoduel Chronicles Anthology

The big events may get most of the limelight, but that’s not where all the action happens.

This collection of fast-paced, action-packed stories highlights the road warriors who struggle to survive, without the glory of the duel. Caravan guards, gun bunnies, insurance adjusters, mechanics, reporters, scavengers, and more!

If you can’t keep up, maybe it’s time to head back to the garage…

So… what’ll it be?

Will you Go Hard or Go Home?

This anthology is a collection of high-speed shenanigans that put you in the driver’s seat for epic action!
– Mercedes Lackey

It Came From the Trailer Park: Volume 3.5

You just couldn’t look away could ya?

Kinda like that trainwreck that is your family reunion?

We’ve got more action packed away in these pages than your cousin Betty Sue down at the corner, with tales of Aliens, Ghosts, Giant Critters, Time Travel, Vampires, VooDoo and more.

With stories by: Melissa Olthoff, Jennifer Roberts, D. Alan Lewis, David A. Anthony, D.W. Milton, Brisco Woods, Sherri Mines, Katie Ess, Megan Taylor, Josh Van Zile, Philip K. Booker, William Joseph Roberts and Kevin J. Anderson.

Jump into this surprise edition of It Came From the Trailer Park, boots first.

You won’t be disappointed.

But other than all that, we survived the Eclipse and I’ve been working on wordcount anywhere I can. Keep an eye out for new novels this year. And for those of you who subscribe to the upper tier of my Patreon, this week I’m dropping Chapter 2 of my B.E.N.T. novel “On the Wings of Weeping Angels” and an odd short story for me that will be published in the upcoming What If anthology through Three Ravens Publishing.

You can find my Patreon here:

Until next time, keep your heads up and your pens sharp.