I had an amazing time at Chattacon over the past weekend. Got to hang out, laugh, and swap stories with con family and new attendees.
I think the most enjoyable panel that I attended was the Anthology panel that Jody Lyn Nye moderated.
The guys over at Chattooine had myself and John B. Pyka from “Back of the cereal box” on their late-night quiz show that my team nearly won, then were horribly beaten down and sent to the corner.
I was able to attend Lots of panels on the craft of writing, as well as participated in a half dozen over the weekend. Not to mention got to sit down and chat with Jody for a good bit that was freaking amazing.
All in all, it was a nice easy weekend with lots of information exchanged in both directions.
Now, for those who don’t know what Chattacon is, here’s the description from their site.

Chattacon. A Tradition in Fandom Since 1976

Chattacon is a convention for fans of science fiction and fantasy in all media held in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Chattacon was founded by Chattanooga native Irv Koch, and the first Chattacon was held in January 1976.
Chattacon is a Chattanooga staple, being the one of the first Science Fiction Conventions on the scene, beginning in 1976. From Irv Koch and his buddies gathering to chat about their latest Sci-Fi novel with friends, to the long standing fellowship surrounding the love of Science Fiction Literature, Chattacon has never lost it’s purpose. We love books. We love Science Fiction. We love people. Our purpose remains, even when pushed to change; a focus on literary love. Read something everyday!
Chattacon is held annually in January at one of the many downtown Chattanooga hotels with available function space. It is a usual occurrence for our host hotel to be sold out and we then move into overflow facilities. Chattacon is always held during a full weekend in the winter, starting on Friday and wrapping up Sunday afternoon. The convention never completely closes down during this time, providing members with access to a fully immersive experience for the duration of the event.
Highlights and Details
- Local and National Guests
- Panels and Workshops
- Masquerade Costume Contest
- Dealers’ Room
- Art Show and Auction
- ConSuite Hospitality Area
- Room Parties
- Gaming of All Kinds
There is even more to experience at Chattacon as well, so make sure you make your plan to come check us out!
A Brief Chattacon History
Chattacon was formatted as a “relaxacon” when it first gathered in 1976 and it drew 81 guests, and lost money. By Chattacon III in 1978, it was a more traditional science fiction convention, with A. E. van Vogt as Guest of Honor, and had returned the costs of its original organization to Koch, with enough left over to serve as seed money for Chattacon IV.
The Chattacon Convention Committee is organized as a fund-raising committee sponsored by Chattanooga Speculative Fiction Fans, Inc.
Chattanooga Speculative Fiction Fans, Inc. (hereafter referred to as CSFF) is organized as a non-profit organization with the purpose to promote the appreciation of literature through the advancement of speculative fiction.
If you would like to read the full historical information about Chattacon, we have all that information too in our Historical Archive.
Now, to wrap up a great weekend, I get to announce that for Chattacon 49 in 2024, I will be the Toastmaster, and get to introduce these other wonderful guests.

That being said. When you go to a Literary convention, what are you expecting out of it? Input in these sorts of things is very important. Because if the folks running the cons don’t know what you’d like to see, they can’t provide the experience.
So as a call to both of my fans, and the followers of Three Ravens Publishing, what would be something you’d come to Chattacon for? Games, Panels, Guests, Entertainment?
If you let me know, I’ll make sure to pass on the info to those in charge and I’ll see what I can do to make it happen.
So, until next time…
Keep your heads up and your pens sharp
~William Joseph Roberts/Hillbilly~