We’ve had ourselves a busy few weeks around here. I’ve gotten several projects nearly wrapped up, extra word counts into place, and prepping to kick out some of the Kickstarter rewards to the Car Warriors backers.
The last two weekends, we’ve taken a break and had some downtime, wandering around, playing board games, and just generally enjoying life a bit.
This past weekend though, Me and the Wordwitch wandered down to Atlanta to hit up the Southeastern Train Museum and to swing by the Beuford Market. That place has just about anything you can think of, especially a wide selection of ethnic foods, spices, etc.
Part of the reason for going to Atlanta was to hit up the market for fresh seafood, to Celebrate the Wordwitch’s birthday with a low country boil.

Upcoming conventions
Three Ravens Publishing will be set up in Dalton this Saturday at Next Chapter Convention & Xpo 2023. Come out and see us. Talk with other authors and publishers in the local area. #Chattanooga #Dalton #Atlanta #Huntsville #Knoxville #Birmingham #Nashville #writerscommunity
And, the first weekend of November, I will be up in the Chicago Illinois area as a presenter at the Evanston Writers Workshop.
Upcoming titles
Since folks are enjoying the hell out of the Trailer Park anthologies, we’re trucking on with the next one. It Came from the Trailer Park: Volume 3 drops on Halloween day. But you can snag your preorder today.
Can’t get enough Redneck Hijinks and Trailer Park Divas?
Then you’re in for a treat. Volume three of our popular anthology series is sure to scratch that questionable itch.
With stories by Michael Knost, William Joseph Roberts, Philip K. Booker, Christopher Woods, D. Raymond Smith, David Badurina, H.P. Holo, James Palmer, Jason Cordova, Lee Ellis, M Leigh, Michael Morton, Michael Craig, and Guest Editorial by Faith Hunter
Pull off your boots, crack a cold one, and come sit with us for a spell. From Crossroad Demons to Vampires, you’re sure to find a favorite tale or three in this collection.
There is the long-awaited Military Scifi anthology, Blood, Sweat, And Steel, that is in the final formatting stages.

Then we have the post-apocalyptic anthology, TALES OF THE APOCALYPSE which just needs the final formatting and editing lookover before being kicked out to the world.

Currently reading
With everything else going on, my enjoyment reading time has been limited, but I’m making progress through Kevin J. Anderson’s Clockwork Angels. If you love a good adventure and anything steampunk, then you’ll enjoy this title.

The extra bits.
Then to top everything off, we’ve aquired a new fur baby that just kinda showed up. Gomez and Hiro have taken to the little guy, so we decided, one more barn kitty couldn’t hurt. Welcome Sherbert to the chaos.

That’s all I’ve got for now. So, until next time, keep your heads up and your pens sharp!
William Joseph Roberts
#evanstonwritersworkshop #chicago #atlanta #southeasternrailwaymuseum #bufordfarmersmarket #railroad #lowcountryboil #crab #shrimp #crawdads #kitten #writerslife #hillbilly