Just to kick things off, I had went out to release the hens for their morning scratching when the Bunny Princess told me to turn around and check out that weird cloud…

Needless to say, I had that momentary ass pucker when I turned around. Ya know, the nuclear war type of asspucker.
But once that initial holy crap wore off It was back to tending to the residents of the Fort Cocks Penal colony and our newest addition to the homestead, Morticia and Dizzy.

I’m sure that eventually, these two cuties will make their way into the house, but the plan is for them to be barn kitties hanging out in the shop and roaming the property to keep the rodent population knocked down.
Now, the residents of Fort Cocks recently revolted against us, but we think we may have gotten the problem figured out.
The week before last we swapped out the bedding in the coop for pine shavings instead of the normal wheat straw that we had been using. It was overall cheaper and would help to keep the smell down. If you’ve never been around chickens, the coop stinks pretty bad unless you’re using spine shavings or you change it regularly. We saw an almost immediate decline in egg production, which was one possibly problem from using pine straw or pine shavings because of the heavy scent that pine gives off.
Other than that, things are slowly sliding toward fall chores and closing out the garden for the season.

Writing Stuff
Since last weekend’s writing retreat, (quick video from it below) I’ve dug into edits on the next Corner Scribblers collection, “From the Streets” an Urban Fantasy collection.
Other than that, I’ve been cranking along on Wards of a Warrior. I know what I had originally written was done over twenty years ago, but damn if it doesn’t make me want to claw my eyes out. So I’ve basically been using the original as rough notes and just rolling along.
Next on the writing shortlist after a few other Three Ravens responsibilities, I’ll be knocking out my next Last Brigade story and a follow on to “Billy and the Kid”
Coming up next on the publishing list, besides “From the Streets” is my contribution to the next Salvage Universe anthology.
On top of that, the latest Audio release is Dragons & Dribbles, A Corner Scribblers fantasy collection.

So until next time, Keep your heads up and your pens sharp
@wjroberts76 writing retreat review. ##amwriting ##authorlife ##authortok ##squirrelwrangler ##Hillbilly ##airbnb ##lincolnhousebnb
♬ original sound – wjroberts76