I’ve got an awesome special announcement!

We have teamed up with the awesome folks over at Steve Jackson Games to add brand-new content to the Car Wars universe.

#CarWars #CarWarriors #Autoduel #AADA #3RP #TRP #GameLit #AutoduelChronicles #BurningRoads #Racing #Deathgames


The Ravens have gone rogue and become CAR WARRIORS! We have teamed up with @SJGames to add brand-new content to the Car Wars universe. #CarWars #CarWarriors #Autoduel #AADA #3RP #TRP #GameLit #AutoduelChronicles #BurningRoads #Racing #Deathgames https://threeravenspublishing.com/2022/11/22/are-you-ready-for-something-exciting-and-new-the-ravens-have-gone-rogue-and-become-car-warriors/

♬ Intense and eerie metal steps(1259030) – S_R