Did y’all miss me? 😀
As always, things are busier than a one-legged man in a kicking contest. Between writing deadlines, new releases, and harvest time, I’ve barely got time to sit still.
New release
First off, the newest release is a collection of flash fiction centered around the theme of Invasion, be it aliens or an invasion of ants invading a picnic, they are a fun collection of quick easy reads.
We interrupt your regularly scheduled program with a major development!
Reports are coming in from across the globe and beyond!
The Corner Scribblers, with special guest author, Piotr Mierzejewski have woven Seventeen stories that will fire your imagination, steal you away from reality, and invade your minds.
And of course, I’ve included the promo TikTok that I threw out on Friday.
One of the wildest things, as of less than an hour of making this post, this collection is climbing the new release charts. Pretty freaking cool, hu? Standings as of this morning are below.

@threeravenspublishing ##booktok ##readertok ##readersoftiktok ##booksoftiktok ##invasion ##flashfiction ##cornerscribblers ##newrelease ##sci-fi ##scifi ##alien ##bookbirthday
♬ Invasion – Rettchit
Writing side of things
I managed to turn in my short for the next Salvage title universe anthology on time and have been cranking along on the next short that’s for “Onward LibertyCon” the next LibertyCon anthology, Published by Baen Books, edited by Christopher Woods and Toni Weisskopf. The proceeds of which are going to the TVIW Richard T Bolgeo Memorial Scholarship.
After I get this one knocked out, it’s on to the next Billy and the Kid story for Bill Webb’s Last Brigade universe and my next Writers of the Future submission.
After that, it’s game on to polish and wrap up my first fantasy novel that was started over twenty years ago.
A little warning of wisdom. Don’t be so paranoid that someone will steal your stuff that you password protect the read and write on your files. Because after the thumbprint scanner fails and you forget the passwords, it takes twenty years to recover your files. And with a little over 65k words ready for editing, I can’t wait to dig in and revisit some old friends.
Homestead update
It’s that crazy time of year when the harvest is finally coming in, the canner or dehydrator are coming out and we’re busy busy busy preserving everything that we can. I tossed together another little TikTok last night with some of the latest.
@wjroberts76 Been a productive day.#g#ardening #c#anning #h#arvest #p#ickling #s#quirrelwrangler #h#omesteadlife #H#illbilly #a#uthorlife #g#ardeninglife
♬ Green Acres Theme – The Hit Party Band
Other than that, we couldn’t be more pleased with the Chickens. The day after we got them set up in Fort Cocks, they started laying. We’ve been averaging six eggs a day with a few seven and eight egg days.
Needless to say, we’ve got plenty of grub coming in daily.
Now the bunny princess has taken it upon herself to begin training the flock. Making them easier to catch and handle, not to mention getting them to go into the coop at night when it’s chicky bawk bawk bed time.

Then there’s poor little Pip. She’s training him to be her little parrot.

So, until next time. Keep your heads up and your pens sharp!